Contributions by ‘Conor Casey’
Political Liberalism and Liberalism’s Politics
Professor Michelman is one of the most respected legal scholars working in the Rawlsian liberal tradition. Through his many articles and books, Michelman has connected constitutional law and legal theory with Professor Rawls’s enormously influential corpus of work on justice and political liberalism. Constitutional Essentials represents the culmination of this intellectual effort and is a work that is sure to become, in the assessment of an earlier reviewer, a “profound point of reference for future study of Rawls-on-constitutions and the broader tradition of liberal democratic constitutionalism.”
Michelman argues within a Rawlsian framework and with a view to providing his readers “Rawlsian guidance for the project of liberal constitutional democracy.” In fact, Constitutional Essentials hovers between offering a constructive Rawlsian framework for understanding constitutional law on the one hand, and a semi-biographical picture of what John Rawls himself would have made of perennial questions of constitutional law, if he had ever squarely considered them.