Constitutional Commentary was founded in 1984 and is one of the few faculty-edited law journals in the country. It enjoys a wide following among legal scholars, historians, political scientists, and others interested in constitutional law and history. Part of its popularity is due to the editors’ preference for “shorter and less ponderous articles” as opposed to the more lengthy and heavily footnoted articles found in traditional law reviews.
Jill Elaine Hasday, Distinguished McKnight University Professor & Centennial Professor in Law, University of Minnesota
Brian H. Bix, Frederick W. Thomas Professor of Law & Philosophy, University of Minnesota
Dale Carpenter, Judge William Hawley Atwell Chair of Constitutional Law, Southern Methodist University
Heidi Kitrosser, William W. Gurley Professor of Law, Northwestern University | Pritzker School of Law
Alan Z. Rozenshtein, Associate Professor of Law, University of Minnesota Law School
Managing Editor & Production Manager
Tom Lewis, MA, MBA
Student Managing Editors
Anthony Alas, Alejandrea Brown, Arielle Hugel, Cheyenna González Pilsner, Jacque Randolph, Alec Woodard
All articles published in Constitutional Commentary are distributed with a Creative Commons Noncommercial Attribution license (CC BY-NC 4.0). This means that each author holds the copyright to her or his work, and grants users the rights to: share (copy and/or redistribute the material in any medium or format) or adapt (remix, transform, and/or build upon the material) the article, as long as the original author and source are cited, and the use is for noncommercial purposes. Permission is not needed for these noncommercial uses. Read the summary terms, or the full legal license code. For permission for other uses, or questions about use, please contact the editors.
ISSN: 2639-7277
ISSN-L: 0742-7115
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